Addressing Fear

It’s more than just “the usual stuff”…

You know: fear of the dark, spiders, airplanes, or rollercoasters.

Fears are often embedded in how we talk to ourselves, terrified that bad things will happen or that we won’t be liked.

We fear all kinds of things – even what comes from “positive things” like success, love, or parenthood.

We usually take the wrong approach to our fears.

We think fears are meant to keep us safe and on the right track by avoiding what might harm us.

Fears are usually tied to our life purpose or essential nature. We fear anything that might threaten our identity or what we want to accomplish in this life.

This is tricky, though, because we don’t always KNOW exactly who we are or what we want to accomplish – or whether we’re capable of realizing those things even if we did know.

Fear then keeps us from even trying… and that’s when your biggest fears (not living the life you want) come true!

Are you afraid of voicing your fears?

Maybe you think they’re too rare… or too embarrassing?

I fear being happy.

I fear not being perfect.

I fear never finding love.

I fear not being good enough.

I fear being selfish.

The list continues…

Do these fears keep you from living?

I find myself staying in my comfort zone.

I want more responsibility and to do more, but once given the opportunity, I find a way to sabotage it.

I find every reason it won’t work out, so I usually don’t bother trying.

I hate myself. I so badly want to stop being afraid.

Therapy can help…

Are you tired of your fears creating chaos in your life?

Do you feel like getting rid of your fears will make you a better friend, spouse, parent, or citizen?

Could you live without feeling too paralyzed to take a step in any direction?

In therapy, you can voice your fears and address them.

Our fears create an average, and we learn to live at or below that average. This leaves us feeling unfulfilled, and the cycle continues.

Let’s raise your average!

Don’t let fear keep you from reaching out. Please, call (617) 620-1072 or email today for your free consultation.